
Showing posts from July, 2020

Development of tooth

DEVELOPMENT OF TOOTH INTRODUCTION * The primitive oral cavity or stomodeum, is the line by the stratified squamous epithelium called the oral ectoderm. * The oral ectoderm contacts the endoderm of the forget to form buccopharyngeal membrane . * At about 27 day of gestation buccopharyngeal membrane reptures and the primitive oral cavity established a connection with the foregut . * Most of connective tissue cells underlying the oral ectoderm are of neural crest . * These cells induce the overlying ectoderm to start tooth development . * Which begins in anterior portion of what will be the future maxilla and mandible and prooced posteriorly . GERM LAYER Enamel organ: This develops from the dental lamina and hence is  ectodermal in origin and is primarily involved in formation of enamel. Dental papilla : This component is ectomesenchymal in origin and gives rise  to dentin and pulp. Dental follicle or sac: This is also an ectomesenchymal component and is responsible fo...